Back to school with 4 Creativities project

4 creativities logoThe complex and unpredictable international health situation did not allow the partners of 4 Creativities project to gather for the second face to face transnational meeting in Dublin, scheduled for 1 and 2 October 2020. Instead, they’ve met online via Zoom platform on 23rd September 2020, shortly after the start of the school year 2020/2021 in all partner countries.
The participants used the opportunity to share information about the current situation in their countries and schools as well as its impact on the next steps before the consortium. The work on the first two project intellectual outputs, namely Linguistic and Mathematical creativity was finalized in late summer. All activities are uploaded on the project website, available in English, Bulgarian, Romanian and Spanish languages.

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The Covid-19 pandemic and closing of schools in all partner countries in March 2020 impeded the initial project plan, namely the pilot testing of the first intellectual products. Therefore, the testing of the activities in real environment was postponed for the start of school year 2020/2021. Currently, in all partner countries schools are open (with some measures and restrictions in place), so the school partners will start the testing process as soon as possible. Due to the requirements for social distance and limiting close contacts between students and working in groups and pairs in many schools and classes, some of the activities probably will be modified and adapted to the current conditions.
The pilot testing of the activities in the frame of both creativities will take place until the end of 2020. The partnership will follow closely the development of the health situation, as well as the national and EU regulations and restrictions and in case the situation worsens, the testing phase will be put on hold until it is safe to resume it.