• Youth Brokers of Social Innovation




    projectslogo.directedbyloughtName:Youth Brokers of Social Innovation

    The aim of MOBIUS is to stimulate the activity of young people in the field of social innovation on a local, national, and European scale by promoting the role and development of competencies, providing relevant tools, and sharing experiences and best practices, all supported by robust research. We want to enhance the skills and abilities of Social Innovation Brokers, particularly in the area of educational activities focused on partnership, entrepreneurship, and co-creation in innovation.

    - Preparation of a theoretical and comparative basis for the development of MOBIUS

    - Creation of a training program, innovative in content and form, with a set of tools and good practices.

    - Training a minimum of 50 people to become Youth Social Innovation Brokers.

    - Creation of a European network of Youth Social Innovation Brokers - min. 100 people.

    -  Disseminate project results and ensure sustainability after project completion.



    Number: 2023-2-PL01-KA220-YOU-000171409

    Programme:KA220-YOU - Cooperation partnerships in youth

    Duration:01/02/2024 - 31/01/2026

    Partners: Foundation Supporting Local Ties "Linking Foundation"- Poland, DEVELOPMENT CIVIL NONPROFIT SOCIETY- Greece, Know and Can- Bulgaria, Infinitivity Design Labs- France, BACKSLASH- Spain;